Top 10 Muscle Building Foods for Skinny Guys

If you are one of those guys pounding the weights at the gym in hopes of packing on muscle, it is necessary to reconsider what you’ve been eating and your workout routine. According to genetics, scientific studies, and Adam Rosante, a coach and professional sports dietitian, “certain guys have a propensity to put on muscle easier than others due to their genes and hormonal makeup.” “Others might actually have an inadequate food intake and inconsistent exercising routine if they hope to achieve the outcomes they are striving for.”

Gaining muscles may be a little superficial for certain people but may not be the case for guys bench-pressing their way from scrawny to brawny. Putting on muscle mass is pretty straightforward but requires some strategic discipline by prioritizing adding lean proteins, essential fats, and slow-burning carbs while at the same time avoiding nutritionally deficient meals entirely.

At the same time, it is important for men who are self-conscious about their size to be aware of signs of body dysmorphia.

We’ve listed ten top muscle-building foods you should eat to grow those muscles.


Salmon, for example, is not only a source of protein but also includes essential fats, which effectively facilitate muscle protein synthesis and, as an added benefit, help lower cholesterol.


Steak is one of the best sources of protein for bulking up. Chicken, turkey, and animal fats, such as lean ground beef, too, are rich in proteins, containing roughly 27 grams per 100-gram per meal. Beef provides essential nutrients that other sources of proteins may omit, such as copper and iron, which aid muscular growth. Be aware of supplemental aids like protein powders. These may be tough on the digestive system and liver, depending on the types and ingredients in them. Supplemental aids are just that. Supplements are not intended to take the place of the essential nutrients and protein sources only found in real food. Rotate your protein-rich foods regularly.


There are lots of misnomers about eggs. Rather than the tasteless whites, Whole eggs are among the primary muscular nourishment sources. Providing 5–6 grams of protein per egg and a median of 60 kcal per egg, they’re a healthy source of high-quality protein. The sort of protein found in eggs is more accessible to your system, which means you’ll digest the vitamins more thoroughly, resulting in better results. Egg protein is a good source of protein because it contains all of the needed amino acids for muscular tissue regeneration.


Rice — brown rice in specific, a slow-carb — is often on the list of foods for powerful men.


Quinoa is well-known in the fitness community. From the thin and trim to the hardcore bodybuilder among those, Quinoa is a comprehensive form of protein, meaning it provides all essential vitamins and minerals required for optimal muscle progress and expansion. Quinoa is also high in fiber, potassium, and manganese, which aids in healthy muscular performance and growth.

In the meantime, check these healthy recipes for weight loss and the FIITT With Wil five-day meal planner and exercise program to kick start your eating and exercise regimen to pack on the muscle.


When it comes to building muscle, never underestimate other dietary and nutrition categories. While proteins are essential for muscle building, foods that are easy to digest allow the body to utilize the nutrients found in them to their full potential. Include plenty of vitamin-rich vegetables like leafy greens in your diet. Kale is also added to the list of superfoods for muscle building.

Some other high protein foods for muscle building include the following:



Greek yogurt


Last But Not Least

Organizing your meals in the right nutritional proportions is the best way to create a muscle-building diet. The professionals suggest a healthy breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, and staying hydrated throughout the day. They recommend serving size for meal preparation, and adequate portions are two palm-sized servings of proteins, two fist-sized portions of vegetables, and two scooped portions of grains, almonds, or walnuts. Unsaturated oils and avocados should also be added.

Earn your keep. Save the munchies for your cheat day. Your results will be much better if you stay disciplined. Cut the snacking and deserts cravings by replacing these with healthier alternatives like salsa, natural peanut butter, greek yogurt, mixed berries, apples, and nuts. You can even buy organic protein supplements to gain some real healthy weight. “Check in with me in a few days to let me know how you’re doing. If you’re not achieving your physical goals subscribe to the FIIT With WiL video channel by visiting

Improve the way you think, look, feel, socially interact and live. Subscribe to the Living with Wil blog and podcast at Living Well with WiL today. You are not alone! Be healthy. Be happy, always. Keep spreading and sharing those smiles.



WiL Turner

This is a health and wellness blog to help subscribers take better care of themselves and to improve the way they look, feel, and live.